First, the premiere of our newest work, a public event called Anatomy of a Song in Decatur Square, was a success, despite some chilly, chilly weather. On Thursday, December 8th and Saturday, the 10th, GW dancers performed 3 pieces--"Primitive" choreographed by Bubba Carr, "Time After Time" created by Jerylann Warner, and "Across the Universe" crafted by Corian Ellisor. The dances in themselves were beautiful but we were lucky to work with a team of vocalists, drummers and guitarists who provided live accompaniment (major thanks to Margaret Allstrom-Stewart for her musical coordinating!) and Larry Holland, our lighting designer and electric guru, who set Decatur Square aglow! All together, the effects were enchanting and provided a lovely opportunity for us to share our work with our Decatur friends and neighbors. We are definitely looking forward to future (and perhaps, warmer) showings of these pieces.
In addition to the outside performances, the dancers took the production to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston that Saturday afternoon. Wow. What a beautiful reminder of the intrinsic way that dance connects us all! It was so touching to be among the kids and staff at Egleston, we are so exciting about making these performances a regular extension of the company!
In between these three performances, our dancers were seen out and about at the weekend's various fun dance events. We enjoyed celebrating the holiday season with fellow Dance 101 dancers at Jenny & Matt Nelson's holiday cocktail party--what a great opportunity to see old dance friends and scheme about future collaborations! Speaking of collaborations, major props to one of our present collaborators and friend, Corian Ellisor. Corian and Alex Abarca presented their original full-length work, Be(A)stie this past weekend. This performance beckoned a large following of GW dancers and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive! These guys did an incredible job, creating the show, choreographing, dancing, singing, not to mention we laughed our asses off! If you didn't get a chance to see this show, be sure to help us pester Corian and Alex into showing it again! It's so encouraging and refreshing to see entertaining AND high quality dance production in Atlanta, we are so proud of our friends and peer dancers!
Most recently--as in this morning--we took advantage of an opportunity to present our dance for a completely new collection of audience members. This morning, Jerylann, Kay, Toya and Lauren rose before dawn for an early call at the Midtown Alliance Annual Meeting. FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE. We opened to the event with Midtown Alliance CEO Kevin Green (who, by the way, accompanied us as drummer!) by creating an Atlanta city scape, composed of beautiful pieces created by SCAD student Katie Lake. We were so lucky to be exposed to the midtown community, EVEN including Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed!! (picture coming soon!) It was a quick performance, but a truly fun and unique one! We are so grateful to Shannon Powell and the Midtown Alliance for inviting us to take part of this big event!
And for now.. well, off to more work. We are still trudging along on the 1023 Form (IRS non-profit status form, blehhhh...), rehearsing the new and improved 27 (one more month to go!), scouting out donors for our silent auction (an effort to raise funds for 27, more information coming soon) and we might, just maybe, have some other cards up our sleeves too :)
Happy dancing everyone! Hope you are all enjoying a beautiful holiday season!
Lauren and Kay
here are some photos of the Anatomy of a Song performances:
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